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Perfect Permanent Lip Color

Lip Color Tips


TLC – ‘The Laws of Church’  –  

                    Susan Church that is!

Want Perfect Lip Color?  ….  EVERYTIME?


Using TD in Pigment

White is an opaque color.

When you look at a glass of milk, it does not matter if the glass is half full or half empty it still looks the same.MilkGlass

I have been working with colour since 1965, first as a hair design artist and in 1988 as a permanent makeup artist.

Colour is basically the same for all mediums you work with. You have the:

Medium You Are Working On  + Correct Pigment Colour = Fantastic Results

We have found that when we use a permanent makeup pigment with Titanium Dioxide in it, the colour coverage and stability should be at least 50% stronger than using a colour without it.

You will need to obtain an MSDS from your pigment manufacturer to see what colors contain TD.

By: Susan Church CCPC, CPDA





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